១. កសស បន្ធូរបន្ថយរយៈពេលស្តុកកុងតឺន័រ
២. កម្ពុជាចម្រាញ់រ៉ែមាស បាន៥២២គីឡូក្រាម ក្រោយប្រតិបត្ដិការ៣ខែ នៅតំបន់អូរខ្វាវ ខេត្តមណ្ឌលគិរី
១. Bình Phước unveils investment incentives as it seeks to revive economy
២. HCM City businesses eager to resume, but regulation, worker availability worries linger
៣. Proportion of China’s international trade in GDP to drop to around 25% in next decade: economist
៤. UK to offer 10,500 post-Brexit visas to counter growing worker crisis