១. ការនាំចេញទំនិញកម្ពុជាទៅអូស្ត្រាលី កើនជិត ១០០%
២. កម្ពុជាទទួលបានភ្ញៀវទេសចរចិនជាង ៩ម៉ឺននាក់ ១១ខែឆ្នាំនេះ
៣. Cambodian workers in demand abroad; remittances may rise
៤. Cambodia-Korea trade reaches $962 million in Jan-Nov
1. HSBC raises Vietnam’s 2022 economic growth forecast 8.1%
2. Tourist arrivals to Thailand will exceed its target by year end
3. China-Laos Railway opens up new path for Laos’ development, prosperity
4. China’s share 27% in US’ imports of leather apparel in Jan-Sept 2022